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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Spaced out behaviors

What's wrong with kids these days? Lisa had the hots for William and thought Colleen was competing for his affections, so she grabs her pepper spray and a BB gun and goes over to convince Colleen of the error of her ways. This is why adults need to keep kids on a short leash! They're just not emotionally mature enough to handle things like sex and relationships.

Oh, wait a minute. I just read a little further into the article. It turns out that Lisa isn't a kid. She's 43 -- and a veteran shuttle astronaut. William is a veteran shuttle pilot, and Colleen is a NASA engineer who works at the Kennedy Space Center.

My point? What we often dismiss as childish, adolescent behavior isn't necessarily an age thing. Young people aren't immune from acting this way, but they certainly don't have a corner on the market.

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